Middlesex 179, National Series (Dalton & Hamer, page 112)

Denomination: penny, scarcity: Fairly common
179.  O: Laureate bust to right, D.F. under it. GEORGIUS III . DE . GR . MA .
         BR . FR . ET HI . REX.
      R: A serpent entwined around an altar, the centre leg of tripod is 
         in front. FELICITAS PUBLICA . Ex.: SAL. REG. REST. 1789.

Struck in silver and copper.

No. 179, fairly common.


georgius iii de gr ma br fr et hi rex,felicitas publica sal reg rest 1789

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Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.