Warwickshire 2, Birmingham (Dalton & Hamer, page 259)

Denomination: large, scarcity: Rare (R)
2.  O: A female seated, giving alms to an old man and a boy, a child kneeling by
       her side. (Same as No. 1).
    R: A cypher B W H, 1788 over it. TWO SHILLINGS. As No. 1, except that "AND
       SIXPENCE" has been obliterated.

2a. Countermarked with a W, as No. 1a (Addenda, page 545).

No. 2, R.


no_legend,two shillings and sixpence,bwh,1788,w

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Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by Last Druid Coins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.