Dublin 249, Camac Kyan and Camac (Dalton & Hamer, page 491)
Denomination: halfpenny, scarcity: Rare (R)
Crowned female with still. 1793. Harp with ten strings.
249. O: A crowned female seated holding a harp which has ten strings, before
her a still, the projecting part of which points to last limb of L.
No spade or pickaxe. PAYABLE AT DUBLIN OR BALLYMURTAGH. (Same as No. 249)
R: A cypher H M C. CAMAC KYAN AND CAMAC ONE HALFPENNY 1793. Without the O
to "Co," and with MOSSOP . F in small letters just above the date.
(Same as No. 246).
No. 249, R.