Middlesex 447, Pidcock's. Antelope (Dalton & Hamer, page 146)

Denomination: halfpenny, scarcity: Common
447.  O: An antelope looking to the left. * PIDCOCK'S * EXHIBITION * ALIVE.
         Ex.: 1795. (Same for Nos. 447-448, as No. 420).
      R: An ostrich. JAMES under it. * EXETER CHANGE STRAND LONDON * 
         (Same as No. 442).
      E: Milled.

447a. E: Plain (not in collar). Some of these are on very small flans, with a 
         rounded edge.

No. 447, a, common.


pidcock's exhibition alive,1795,exeter change strand london,james

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Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by Last Druid Coins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image provided by Professional Coin Grading Service. View PCGS certificate.