Middlesex 805, Spence's (Dalton & Hamer, page 173)
Denomination: halfpenny, scarcity: Fairly common
805. O: The heads of Pitt and Fox conjoined. ODD . FELLOWS. QUIS RIDES.
Same obv. for Nos. 798-810, as rev. of No. 795.
R: A hand between two laurel branches. Artist's name JAMES below, and
HONOUR above. As No. 682.
E: Milled.
805a. E: Plain.
Similar to No. 804, but with the addition of a neat border of dots on both
sides. The border of dots or milling has not been produced by the dies, as
every specimen varies. See Note after No. 32, page 94.
Nos. 805, a, fairly common.