Anglesey 415, 1794 halfpennies (Dalton & Hamer, page 390)

Denomination: halfpenny, scarcity: Scarce
415.  O: A bust in a wreath containing twenty-five acorns.
      R: The usual cypher, &c., with acorn stop.

415a. E: Plain (rounded).

No. 415, a, scarce.


druid_head,the anglesey mines halfpenny,1794,pmco

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Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller druids_revenge and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.

Image was provided by ebay seller johnnewmancoins and is used with permission. Please visit seller's shop; this specimen might still be for sale.